True Acts of Kindness Week: 7-12 April 2014

Organization of Kindness Week

1. Smartometro of kindness + diary ( paper or blog)

2 . Treasure chest with gold coins in the lobby ( for the final race : guess the number of doubloons )

3 . Race of original quotes on kindness ( to be done before the week).
The posters and the best phrases are :
- Printed and hung on the walls of the school
- Written on the cards for the " kindness cookies " (see item # 7)

4 . Exhibition: " The kindness increased " in the hallways of the school : posters with quotes are points of interest that would delay a video or multimedia resources created by the guys on the subject.

5 . Secret Santa for last day the boys prepare strips with the names of all pupils in the school (each with a quote on kindness ) by putting them in an envelope for each class and go to deliver Monday 7aprile in individual classrooms . Each boy receives a card with a name ( it returns only if the right to receive ) . You must not tell anyone the name written on your note. During the week, the person will look and try what can be the gift / thought most liked to do / bring on Saturday . You do not necessarily have to deal with a new object or value : it can be a symbolic object , or a note , a drawing or whatever.

6 . Settimana gentilezza Creating a Facebook page and an email address ( ) . Students can also send e-mail a description of the acts of kindness made ​​and invented quotes or publish them on Facebook.

7 . Cookies kindness : you need to find about 20 moms / pupils / grandmothers available to produce about fifty head of cookies (please precise accounts ) inserted in colored paper napkins and closed with wire wool. A bag for every pupil : all arranged in wicker baskets on tables in the lobby with pupils / parents to deploy. In each bag there will be:
two cookies and a note with quote kind.

8 . Award gentle classes : one class for the first one for the second , one for third .

9 . Volunteer : Volunteers visit the House of the proposal to the first and second classes who want to join. It is also proposed collection of basic necessities (Initiative : add a product to your cart ) .

10 . The final day : 1 hour for the guys with kind acts selected readings from the diaries of the edge , alternating with images and videos posters citations created by the boys ;
Then award the kinder class by association " Aiassa ."


11 . Initiatives on parents : Activities that involve parents:
- Opening Concert Orchestra of the week " Tonelli " Carpi , Friday, April 4 , at the club Graziosi.
- Concerto for horn - Forghieri Professor Classroom " Fassi "
- Meeting and exhibition of dogs of Lions ( Saturday, 12 after 11:00 am )

It also requires the cooperation and availability :
Whitewash the school hallways with different colors ( fixing of wooden slats on which to fix kids' drawings , spatial orientation , various ads etc. ..