Unicef Report - 230 millions of invisible children. Analysis by class 2 E and 2 G - February-March 2014

Our English teacher, Mr Enea Storchi Incerti, gave us a lesson on a Unicef Report, recently published about 'the invisible children'. In fact in the world about 230 million children do not have a certificate of birth and therefore they can't use the Health Care and Educational services.

This is what the last Unicef report says. According to this report one out of three children below the age of five, has not got that "piece of paper" that can make the difference between health and sickness, life and death. They are invisible , officially non-existent.

 The absence of a birth certificate makes it vulnerable to abuse millions of children born mostly in Africa and Asia.

The countries with the lowest rates of registration are Somalia (3%) , Nigeria ( 4) Ethiopia (7) , Zambia (14) and in India , Pakistan ( 27). The most affected live in rural areas. Because of the prohibitive taxes , ignorance of the law or fear of discrimination , many families decide not to register newborns. The birth certificate not only allows the child to make use of the health service and to go to school , but it is also a means to protect against the risks of forced child labor and trafficking in human beings. More: in case of natural disasters and conflicts , family reunification is more complex if you do not have an official document .
" Birth registration is a right ."
It is "the recognition of the existence of the child by the society" as explained in the report Geeta Rao Gupta, Deputy Executive Director of UNICEF .

After this we also watched the film " All the invisible children" which really impressed us a lot.

"All the Invisible Children" is a project created to raise funds for the World Found Program of UNICEF.

The project have joined some of the most important directors of contemporary cinema and international newcomer Stephen Veneruso that, in addition to the role of producer , has carved out a small space behind the camera to tell one of the stories , of course, that  is set in Italy . The underlying theme of the shorts is the social and political conditions in childhood issues.

 The point of view, however, is in no case pessimistic but tends rather to highlight the extraordinary strength of the children, who are able to live positively , even in situations objectively prohibitive. The point of view remains positive and open to the happy ending even in the toughest conditions and the style is direct , funny, full of music.
The protagonists of the 7 short films that make up "All the Invisible Children" are aged between six and thirteen, what in Italy coincides with the years of compulsory schooling and, living at different latitudes of the planet, are dealing with  social problems of various kinds.

What they have in common, however, is the condition of the victims of a political system, decisions are familiar, of a global order, but in any case we are all having to deal with their condition of children in extreme situations that have not chosen and which can't change in any way..