

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


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Il Carpi 2 entra nei circuiti di scambi del Comenius-Summit in Portogallo

18/06/2014 00:40

An unforgettable week in Turkey (by Portuguese team)

08/05/2014 22:18
read the entire news here  

When a gesture makes a difference. True Acts of Kindness Week

03/04/2014 09:03

O maior sorriso do mundo - The right to be happy

27/03/2014 18:11

Networks and their risks

23/03/2014 18:50

Big Human Smile - The right to smile

21/03/2014 23:17
  (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs =...

Volunteering at Escola Secundária de Casquilhos - Rostos

27/12/2013 12:34
Read the entire new here  or here

Escola Secundária de Casquilhos - 3rd meeting in Orneta (Poland)

07/10/2013 21:59
Read the intire new here

There is the WORLD at Fassi School!

24/05/2013 23:49
Pagine da Voce 18-2013 ok.pdf (3,8 MB)

Learning Europe at School

22/05/2013 14:05
comenius_tempo.pdf (401771)
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