Zespol Szkol Ogolnoksztalcacych

Zespol Szkol Ogolnoksztalcacych combines junior high school/ gymnasium with students aged between 13-16 and Grammar Secondary School / lyceum with students aged between 16-19. There are 380 students and 35 teachers. The main aim of our school is preparing students for the university entrance exam which is called "Matura". Our school is located in Orneta, a small town with 10 000 inhabitants in the north of Poland. The town is surrounded by the farms of former state, but now meanly after transition they are closed down and majority of people are long-term unemployed. Because of the fact that closing down the large factories and displacing large numbers of workers led to the situation that our region has the highest rate of unemployment in the country. Another problem is that none of the parents have job so our students come from poor families. We have students with special needs which are called euro-orphans (30% of all students) whose parents were forced to look for a job abroad and left their children. Because of economic problems our students have special needs especially regarding their emotional stability. Taking part in the project will give the chance to realize that they are a part of united Europe, meeting different cultures and being aware of how important participating actively as citizens is.

Written by the Polish Team