A Workshop by EMERGENCY 
At school with EMERGENCY to open our eyes on denied childhood and know what's happening in other parts of the world.
In our school has been held a micro workshop in partnership with the non-governmental organization "Emergency" about human rights for our 8th grade classes (last year middle school).
Every Saturday morning, for 4 weeks in February and in March students met Ms. Sonia Tabai, Emergency activist and volunteer ,organization which is operating in countries most affected by war and famine where health care is a luxury for the few and families do not always have enough to eat.
Sonia has firstly told the students about the humanitarian Association founded by Gino Strada (in the photo above). During the workshop, through the use of slides and short videos, she tells the student the history of the association since its foundation. Emergency is active in the main sites of war in the world, in Afganistan , in Kabul, in Africa where,through donations and contributions, it has been able to build free hospitals where every day are treated civilian casualties and war ones.
Many children are scarred for life by the explosion of landmines "disguised" as toys, they lose hands, legs, eyes because of the explosion of "green parrots" weapons designed specifically to attack and destroy the children.
Of this terrible experience Gino Strada spoke in his book, "Pappagalli Verdi (Green Parrots)" (ed. Feltrinelli). The Emermency medical volunteers implant prosthesis to disabled veterans, active heart disease, saturated wounds ... in conditions of great danger.
Through some maps Sonia explains the goals made by Emergency, the completed projects in the world, and especially shows how many conflicts are still active and produce victims often young age.