True Acts of Kindness week: The Last Day. 
The last day of our True Acts of Kindness Week, one of the best activities in our Italian Comenius, was really AMAZING!
On the 20th April our school looked different: there were more people than usual and some classes had to move to other rooms....what was happening? A group of parents was going to paint some of the classrooms and corridors. The same day all classes were excited as it was the last day of the True Acts of Kindness week and at 11 a.m. the prize-giving ceremony had to take place, prizes were to be given to the classes who had done the highest number of acts of kindness as written in the thermometer in each class and had also done more reflections and thoughts about the acts.
A prize would be given to a class 1st, class 2nd and a class 3rd form so everybody was wondering which classes would be the winners.
Before the ceremony there was a performance by the band "Ladri di Carrozzelle" (Wheelchairs' Thieves) whose singer is a disabled girl with a wonderful voice. They were really an amazing band and sang their own songs and some popular ones therefore all students were excited and sang and danced together the band.
At the event representetives of the Italian Kindness Movement were present especially with the president Giorgio Aiassia who made a very moving speech telling us his experience (see ).
After this the classes which won the prizes were 1 G - 2 G - 3 A.
It was really a wonderful experience that suggested us we must always respect other people's rights and be kind to everybody.